HOME > RT-C Language
Controller > Sample "Servo Motor Control"
(1)EtherCAT® Communication OPEN | |
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① Do RSI-ECAT-Master OPEN process |
(2)ESM goes to OPERATION | |
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① EtherCAT® state goes to OPERATIONAL ② Then, check whether state change is finished or not. after that go to next step. |
(3)Detect Servo Slave | |
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① Detect target Servo Amp ② Get "Alias" and "R/W position on Process Image" of servo to use it as position control parameter settings |
(4)Settings for servo operation mode | |
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① Set as "Cycle Synchronous Position Mode" ② You can change by setting object "Modes of Operation" as "8". |
(5)Initialize command position to current position. | |
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① Set value of command position as value of current position. ② It is because of prevention for rapid movement to unexpected position when servo turns ON. ③ Read value of "Actual Position" and write this value to "Target position". |
(6)Go to Servo ON state | |
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① Go to Servo ON state. When Servo is ON, servo motre is in an overexcitation state. ② Let "PDS (Power Drive System)" move to "Operation Enabled". ③ Set value to "Control word", check state in "Status word" (On more details, please check CiA402 specification.) |
(7)Waiting process for Servo brake release | |
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① Wait for 1 sec to wait for Servo brake release |
(8)Position Controll Process | |
① Predefined position information are notified to servo amp in order per the period of __Process()
call. ② It does acceleration and deceleration with right 30 rotation (4 sec) & left 30 rotation (4 sec) - total 60 rotation (8 sec). |
namespace MotionDemo
public class program
private readonly static uint VENDOR_ID = 441;
private readonly static uint PRODUCT_CODE = 2;
private readonly static uint REVISION_NO = 3;
// PI/IN
private readonly static uint STATUSWORD_OFFSET = 0;
private readonly static uint POS_ACUTUAL_OFFSET = 4;
private readonly static uint CONTROLWORD_OFFSET = 0;
private readonly static uint TARGET_POS_OFFSET = 2;
public Boolean IsError = false;
public Boolean IsDone = false;
private EhApi hEcat = null;
private ushort Alias = 0;
private uint ViosInBaseOffset = 0;
private uint ViosOutBaseOffset = 0;
private uint ActualPos = 0;
private uint TargetPos = 0;
private ushort ControlWord = 0;
private ushort StatusWord = 0;
private uint rcpIdx = 0;
private uint loopCnt = 0;
private Recipe recipeData = null;
* Constructor
public program()
hEcat = new EhApi();
private bool EndProcess()
IsDone = true;
return IsDone;
private bool ErrorInit()
IsError = true;
return IsError;
*CiA402 Servo Driver state transition process
ushort fnChgMotionGoState(ushort woStWd, ref ushort pCrWd)
switch ((0x6F & woStWd))
// Not initialized -> Request initialization
case 0x00: pCrWd = (ushort)((0xFF70 & pCrWd) | 0x00); break;
// Initialized -> Request turn off main circuit power
case 0x40: // (0x60と同じ)
case 0x60: pCrWd = (ushort)((0xFF70 & pCrWd) | 0x06); break;
// Main circuit power OFF -> Request servo ready
case 0x21: pCrWd = (ushort)((0xFF70 & pCrWd) | 0x07); break;
// Servo ready -> Request turn on Servo
case 0x23: pCrWd = (ushort)((0xFF70 & pCrWd) | 0x0F); break;
// Servo ON (=Start operation is OK.)
case 0x27: break;
// Abnornal State
case 0x2F: break;
// Abnornal State -> Request initialization
case 0x28: pCrWd = (ushort)((0xFF70 & pCrWd) | 0x80); break;
return (ushort)(0x6F & woStWd);
*Init Process (__Init() is once execued when program is booted)
public void __Init()
ushort Status = 0;
Console.WriteLine(\"\\n === Start Program ===\");
// Read recipe data
recipeData = new Recipe(\"C:\\\\ReceipeData.dat\");
//(1)EtherCAT® communication OPEN
Status = hEcat.EhOpen();
if (0 != Status)
Console.WriteLine(\"EhOpen is failed.\");
Status = hEcat.EhRqState(8);
if (0 != Status)
Console.WriteLine(\"EhRqState is failed.\");
//(3)Detect Servo Slave
Status = hEcat.EhFindSlave(VENDOR_ID,
out Alias,
out ViosInBaseOffset,
out ViosOutBaseOffset);
if (0 != Status)
Console.WriteLine(\"EhFindSlave is failed.\");
//(4)Set Servo operation mode(request change to cyclic synchronous position mode)
Status = hEcat.EhWriteODByAlias(Alias, 0x6060, 0x00, 8, 0, 1);
if (0 != Status)
Console.WriteLine(\"EhWriteODByAlias is failed.\");
//(5)Initialize command position to current position
// Get current position
Status = hEcat.EhReadDword(ViosInBaseOffset + POS_ACUTUAL_OFFSET,
out ActualPos);
if (0 != Status)
Console.WriteLine(\"EhReadDword is failed.\");
// Write current position
TargetPos = TargetPos + ActualPos;
Status = hEcat.EhWriteDword(ViosOutBaseOffset + TARGET_POS_OFFSET,
if (0 != Status)
Console.WriteLine(\"EhWriteDword is failed.\");
//(6)Go to Serve ON state
// Get current servo driver state
while (true)
ControlWord = 0;
// Wait for cyclic process
Status = hEcat.EhWaitForCyclic(EhApi.NO_WAIT);
if (EhApi.ER_EHAPI_TIMEOUT == Status)
if (0 != Status)
// End since cyclic process is interrupted
Console.WriteLine(\"EhWaitForCyclic is failed.\");
// Get current servo driver state
Status = hEcat.EhReadWord(ViosInBaseOffset + STATUSWORD_OFFSET,
out StatusWord);
if (0 != Status)
Console.WriteLine(\"EhReadWord is failed.\");
// Get COntrolword value for next PDS state transition
if (0x27 == fnChgMotionGoState(StatusWord, ref ControlWord))
// [Servo ON is done]:to waiting for brake release
// Write next servo diver transition value
Status = hEcat.EhWriteWord(ViosOutBaseOffset + CONTROLWORD_OFFSET,
if (0 != Status)
Console.WriteLine(\"EhWriteWord is failed.\");
//(7)Wait process for Servo brake release (according to Sanyo servo specification)
* Regular interval period method (function called at 1msec interval)
public void __Process()
// State judgement
if (IsDone) { return; }
if (IsError) { return; }
//(8)Position Control Process
// Wait for cyclic process
ushort Status = 0;
Status = hEcat.EhWaitForCyclic(EhApi.NO_WAIT);
if (EhApi.ER_EHAPI_TIMEOUT == Status)
if (0 != Status)
// End since cyclic process is interrupted
Console.WriteLine(\"EhWaitForCyclic is failed.\");
// Request movement per loop
TargetPos = recipeData.Data[rcpIdx] + ActualPos;// Refresh requied position
hEcat.EhWriteDword(ViosOutBaseOffset + TARGET_POS_OFFSET, TargetPos);
// Refresh target position
if (loopCnt < recipeData.Data.Length)
rcpIdx++; // Forward
rcpIdx--; // Reverse
// Completion Judgement
if (loopCnt >= (recipeData.Data.Length * 2) - 1)
// All movement (to defined position) is complete.
EndProcess(); // Process End