Micronet Products Information
"RT-C Lanuage Controller" is a controller product where you can achieve real time device control
using Visual Studio C#.
You can achieve high-power device control with high-calculation ability and expandability of PC CPU
You can also use HMI and file operatnion since Windows OS can run at the same time.
You can use it as an EtherCAT® Master Controller since it has correspond to EtherCAT®.
"RT-FBD" is a controller product with realtime device control function of 100us precision using some
function blocks.
You can achieve high-power device control with high-calculation ability and expandability of PC CPU
You can also use HMI and file operatnion since Windows OS can run at the same time.
You can use it as an EtherCAT® Master Controller since it has correspond to EtherCAT®.
"RT-IOSIM" is a simulator software for debug in order to achieve data sampling up to 250 us
precision by installing to standard PC.
It can achieve I/O control simulation such as DI/O, AI/O, Data Input, Switch Board function as Debug
"RT-SCADA" can provide you with both SCADA(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) and PLC
function in one Windows PC.
You can achieve both System Supervisor function and Process Control function, ans also can achieve
I/O control and high-precision scan time.
"INplc" is a software PLC solution which runs on PC platforms.
It uses "INtime®" as real time platform and uses software PLC "ProConOS" which has lots of track
records all over the world.
You can avhieve the quickest control up to 100 us in PLC controller fields.
You use development tool based on global standard IEC61131-3. PC platforms enable you use its
powerful processing ability and expandability.
Micronet has provided various kinds of solutions for customers who would like to use EtherCAT®
Master as follows.
One is EtherCAT® Master Stack product "KPA EtherCAT® Master" as a distributor of KPA Germany.
The other is "RSI-ECAT" which Micronet provides bundled with INtime®.
And also we deal with "RSW-ECAT" which Windows application directly can call.
As above mentioned, we have lots of EtherCAT® Master solutions which can satisfy your
We are also distributors of some EtherCAT® Slave vendors, so we can provide you with both master
products and slave products as one stop and as its support.
FL-net Driver |
"FL-net" is a real time nework standardized by JEMA (The Japan Electrical Manufacturers'
Micronet has provided each FL-net driver for INtime® and Windows.
Motion Cotrol Solution
Micronet has been preparing for various kinds of solutions in order to achieve sophistcated and
high-efficiency motion control based on PC using INtime®, INplc, INtime® application products.
※TenAsys®, INtime®, eVM® and iRMX® are registered trademarks in USA of the TenAsys
※EtherCAT® is a trademark of Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.